April: V 0.84: Pros & Admins can make reservations over closed & walkups.
April: V 0.84: Improved make a lesson.
April: V 0.83: Fixed a few small errors with drop down boxes.
April: V 0.82: Fixed a privilege loading error.
April: V 0.81: Advanced searches for admins through user databases. More optional information for users.
April: V 0.81: If all courts have the same surface, sport or indoor area, those that are the same will not appear. Same for the print function.
April: V 0.81: Numeric Steppers in the privileges section.
March: V 0.80: Event notes / descriptions are now available and editable. Only admins can make events now. Admins can drop out players from the attendees list of an event.
March: V 0.79: There are now reservation notes that can only be seen, made and edited by pros and admins.
March: V 0.79: Events are now easier to make.
March: V 0.78: Events added. Facilities can add events, players can sign up, drop out and see who's participating.
March: V 0.78: Pro Print that will print a week long schedule for a pro.
March: V 0.78: Revamped edit privilege section with search filters and an easier interface.
March: V 0.78:Stats for misuses and no shows have been added along with auto ban features.
January: V 0.77: Pros & Admins can now make permanent reservations along with consecutive reservations.
January: V 0.77: Pros & Admins can now assign colors to reservations they make on behalf of a player.
January: V 0.76: Fixed parsing error with google maps in email confirmations and reminders.
January: V 0.75: Small error when reserving just before a reservation.
January: V 0.74: Courts can now be opened or closed independently from when the facility opens or closes
January: V 0.74: Courts can now have specific permissions who can make a reservation.
January: V 0.74: Pros & Admins are no longer restricted by minimum & maximum times.
October: V 0.73: Improved Stat Tracking
October: V 0.72: Small visual update
September: V 0.71: Fixed some demo abilities / updated and added help topics